

PSHRE and SRE Programme

 PSHRE and SRE Programme

New Horizons is committed to providing a high quality educational experience for all pupils. Our curriculum defines and supports the whole ethos of our school.

At New Horizons, our personal, social, health and economic education (PSHRE) curriculum brings together healthy relationships, social responsibility and personal well-being, whilst promoting fundamental British values.

 Although PSHRE is taught through discreet lessons, it is also integrated into all activities, assemblies, educational visits and extra-curricular clubs. There are frequent opportunities provided in school which encompass PSRHE education, including (but not limited to) sports tournaments, celebration assemblies, class residential days and trips as well school council meetings.


It is intended that we will offer an aspirational, cohesive whole-school approach which inspires our children to achieve their full potential, whilst empowering them to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.

PSRHE is taught across the school continuously during lessons, assemblies, school clubs, school events and break times. Furthermore, PSRHE is integrated into our curriculum through SMSC, our values and the principles underpinning our School Mission Statement:

  • Our school is committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating environment.
  • We value and promote shared personal achievement, high standards and respect for the individual.
  • By working together we build understanding of one another and develop the self-esteem of every individual.


Our PSHRE curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils preparing them for life in the wider world. At New Horizons, our fundamental aims are: 


  1. To provide every child with the life skills to become successful learners who reach their full potential.
  2. To provide a safe, supportive, stimulating and inclusive environment where every child is recognised, cared for, encouraged and valued.
  3. New Horizons will actively ensure the involvement of the whole community, particularly families, who have a vital role in supporting their children’s education. This partnership will encourage healthy and positive attitudes motivating children to become life-long learners.


Sex, Relationship Education:

In addition to the topics above, Sex and Relationship Education will be taught to our pupils from Year 6. As part of the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum for Science, which at key stages 1 and 2 includes teaching about the main external parts of the body and changes to the human body as it grows from birth to old age, including puberty. For further information, please see the Sex and Relationships Education Policy on the school website.

This school delivers SRE with regards to the Equality Act 2010 and observance of the protected characteristics of age, sex, race, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment , pregnancy or maternity, marriage or civil partnership and  sexual orientation, We recognise that children have varying needs regarding SRE depending on their circumstances and background. The school believes that all people should have access to SRE that is relevant to their particular needs.

In order for PSHRE or SRE to be conducted safely the following will be in place:

  • Group agreements or ground rules are negotiated, explained, displayed and referred to wherever appropriate. (When receiving external visitors, they will have sight of and understanding of the ground rules/group agreement.)
  • No one in the classroom will be expected to answer a personal question.
  • Distancing techniques such as the use of scenarios, will be used to help to keep pupils safe. There will be no need for anyone to discuss their own personal issues.
  • Confidentiality will be clearly explained. Pupils will understand how disclosures will be handled.
  • Pupils will be expected to engage and listen during lessons, however it is accepted that sometimes it is inappropriate for them to be expected to take part in the discussion.
  • In most cases, the correct names for body parts will be used.
  • The meanings of words will be explained in a sensible and factual way.
  •  Care will be taken not to use materials or approaches that may trigger trauma or distress. Pupils at risk will be identified and arrangements made for them to access the learning in a comfortable way.
  • Signposting to sources of support when dealing with sensitive issues

RSE takes place within mixed gender classes or single gender groups as deemed appropriate and relevant with the pupil’s usual teacher. There may be times when choosing particular mixes of genders may be useful. It is important to note that although separated genders may have different activities on occasions the messages and information they receive will be consistent. It will be left to the teacher’s discretion to make these decisions.

Long Term plan:

O:\NH\AWL Planning\2020-2021\Long Term plans


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