

Careers and enterprise logo Quality in careers standard Investors in careers Gatsby career logo1


Careers Education, Information and Guidance at Cuckmere House School

Here at Cuckmere House School we are committed to ensuring our pupils achieve well and are fully prepared for the next steps in their education, training and employment. Many factors will contribute to how well a young person manages the transition from school to college, training or an apprenticeship. We believe that access to well-planned, up-to-date and individually tailored careers advice can make a big impact on the choices young people make and their ability to make the most of the opportunities available to them during these times. There is strong research evidence that shows that high quality careers advice will have a positive impact on learners as they move through the different stages of education and training and into the work place.

We encourage pupils to consider how their strengths and interests are compatible with different employment and career routes. We start a spiral pathway from year 7 right through to year 11, building up a careers portfolio, through CEIAG and teachers linking training, employment and apprenticeship opportunities with their subjects. We also try to make pupils aware of the career routes that would not be available to them if they opted out of particular subjects.

We have a strong focus on employability skills and attributes. Using researched based practice to inform our careers programme, we have included the six capabilities (identified by Impetus (2014) Ready for Work Impetus) in our careers programme. These are set out below:-

•     Self-aware – able to take responsibility for themselves and their actions, able to control themselves
       and to recognise their strengths and weaknesses;

•     Receptive – able to take feedback and advice, willing to address weaknesses, to learn and to try new

•     Driven – able to see a job to its conclusion, to be punctual, well-organised and positive;

•     Self-assured – willing to ask questions and seek advice, to work alone without direction, able to be
       confident in social situations and in their work;

•     Resilient – able to cope with setbacks, rejection and criticism, determined to overcome
       obstacles and able to stay calm under pressure;

•     Informed – knowledgeable about the job market, how to search for a job and to effectively interview;
       knowledgeable about how to conduct themselves in a professional environment.

More recently and in addition to this we also work towards the 8 Gatsby Benchmark for delivering careers in school. 

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance

1. A stable careers programme

2. Addressing the needs of each pupil

3. Learning from career and labour market

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

5. Encounters with employers and employees

6. Experiences of workplaces

7. Encounters with further and higher education

8. Personal guidance


These are set out in more detail in the Gatsby Benchmarks which you can download below.  Something new that we introduced from September 2018 is each pupil will have a record of each Gatsby benchmark going through secondary school with them, evidencing their individual achievements.

As the Careers Advisor for Cuckmere House School, I am responsible for ensuring all pupils understand the options they have available to them and to support them to make good choices to secure the best possible outcomes as they move through school towards the world of work.  As well as teaching careers education discretely, I am also responsible for ensuring the careers input across the school is well balanced, responsive to our pupils' needs and the opportunities available locally.  This includes subject based discussions, guest speakers, assembly themes, off-site visits and college and work experience opportunities. 

We always welcome opportunities for our pupils to learn about different careers and working environments.  If you think you could contribute in any way to support our pupils’ understanding and experiences of work, I would like to hear from you as home input plays an important part of transitioning into the work place.

Please take some time to sit with your child and have a discussion about the future. Check out some careers at Latest Issue of Make the Future Yours! — Make The Future Yours!  or have a look at :

5 of the biggest myths about apprenticeships busted - The Education Hub (

Further information on SEND transition into post 16 can be found in the ESCC guide for parents and carers.  Please click on the link to see the booklet Post16 Parent Carer Booklet - 1 


Anne Seymour Boon – CEIAG
Careers Education, Information and Guidance



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